In April 2011, we met with the community leaders of Seje, Kenya to discuss their needs. It was made clear to us that clean water, education, shelter, and food were priorities and so a partnership was formed. Our objective in the partnership has been to develop and implement initiatives that holistically address the physical and spiritual needs of Seje, Kenya.
Since then, we have been working with the local Seje community along with Silas Oduor and the Hungry for Life organization. We are able to show and bring love and hope to our friends in Seje. For latest updates click on the button below.
INITIATIVES - Sharing God's Goodness
The following is an overview of the on-going projects that we are doing in Seje and their impact on the community.
Wells are not a viable approach in this region so we helped build a solar powered system that draws water from a nearby river, filters and chlorinates it, then pumps it nearly a kilometer to a large storage container atop a hill that has distribution lines to several locations, including the school.
We helped launch a school that educates and feeds the most underprivileged kindergarten-aged children (many of them orphans within Seje. Presently we have 5 classes (ranging from junior kindergarten to grade 2) comprising approximately of 120 children.
We have built a school that holds four classes and we are constructing
another building that will hold a fifth. We have also constructed a multi-purpose building that serves as a school and a community centre. For the widows and the elderly, we have rebuilt their dilapidated huts and replaced their thathed roofs with tin roofs.
We have purchased three acres of land that is owned and operated by the community for the purposes of supporting the school. Farming and management of the land is supported by local volunteers.
We have sent missions teams to Seje to establish relationships with the community members; spend time with the school children; and deliver God's message of love and hope through both teaching and music. If you would like to be a part of a missions team to Seje, Kenya please contact our church office.
SUPPORT - You can make a difference
Silas Odour is a missionary in Seje that Community Bible Church regularly supports. He has many touching stories to tell and provide great insight into the what is going on in Seje in his updates.
For the latest updates on our partnership with Hungry for Life and with Silas Odour click below.
If you would like to know more about the project in Seje, please visit the Hungry For Life website.